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Response Header

In an HTTP response, headers are metadata used to describe the content and format of the response. In Lightning, the following methods can be used to manipulate response headers:

package main

import (


func main() {
app := lightning.DefaultApp()

app.Get("/ping", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
// Add multiple headers with the same key "foo"
ctx.AddHeader("foo", "bar")
ctx.AddHeader("foo", "baz")
ctx.AddHeader("foo", "baq")

// set a header with key "id" and value "ewh2mime9purchaser4error"
ctx.SetHeader("id", "ewh2mime9purchaser4error")

// delete all headers with key "bar"

ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, lightning.Map{
"message": "pong",



The AddHeader method is used to add multiple headers with the same key. In the provided code block, we can see that ctx.AddHeader("foo", "bar"), ctx.AddHeader("foo", "baz"), and ctx.AddHeader("foo", "baq") all add headers with the key "foo". This means that the response will have multiple headers with the same key, each with a different value.


The SetHeader method is used to set a single header with a specific key and value. In the provided code block, we can see that ctx.SetHeader("id", "ewh2mime9purchaser4error") sets a header with the key "id" and the value "ewh2mime9purchaser4error". This means that the response will have a single header with the key "id" and the value "ewh2mime9purchaser4error".


The DelHeader method is used to delete all headers with a given key. In the provided code block, the DelHeader method is called with the argument "bar", which means that all headers with the key "bar" will be deleted.