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In this article, we will explore how to use Lightning's cookie functionality to manage cookies in your web application.

To set a cookie in Lightning, you can use the SetCookie method of the Context object. This method takes two arguments: the name of the cookie and its value.

ctx.SetCookie("sid", "sid:xxxxxxxxxx")

This will set a cookie named "sid" with the value "sid:xxxxxxxxxx". The cookie will be sent to the client in the response headers.

You can also set additional options for the cookie, such as the expiration time, the domain, and the path. To do this, you can use the http.Cookie struct and pass it to the SetCustomCookie method.

Name: "sessionId",
Value: "sessionId:xxxxxxxxxx",
Path: "/",

This will set a cookie named "sessionId" with the value "sessionId:xxxxxxxxxx", and a path of "/".

To retrieve a cookie in Lightning, you can use the Cookie method of the Context object. This method takes the name of the cookie as an argument and returns its value.

cookie := ctx.Cookie("sid")

This will retrieve the value of the "sid" cookie.

You can also retrieve all cookies sent by the client using the Cookies method.

cookies := ctx.Cookies()

This will retrieve all cookies sent by the client.

Code Example

The full sample code is as follows:

package main

import (


func main() {
app := lightning.NewApp()

app.Get("/ping", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
// get the value of the "sid" cookie
cookie := ctx.Cookie("sid")

// get all cookies
cookies := ctx.Cookies()

// set a new cookie
ctx.SetCookie("sid", "sid:xxxxxxxxxx")

// set a custom cookie
Name: "sessionId",
Value: "sessionId:xxxxxxxxxx",
Path: "/",

ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]string{
"message": "pong",
