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Response Body

In this article, we will explore the various response handling functions available in the Lightning framework. With these functions, we can easily set HTTP responses in a variety of formats, including plain text, JSON, XML, and file downloads. This makes the Lightning framework a powerful tool for building web applications in Go.

Setting Plain Text Responses

To set a plain text response, we can use the ctx.Text function. This function takes two arguments: the HTTP status code and the text to be returned. For example, the following code sets a plain text response with the message "hello world":

app.Get("/text", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
ctx.Text(http.StatusOK, "hello world")

Setting JSON Responses

To set a JSON response, we can use the ctx.JSON function. This function takes two arguments: the HTTP status code and a struct to be serialized as JSON. For example, the following code sets a JSON response with a Person struct:

type Person struct {
Name string `xml:"name" json:"name"`
Age int `xml:"age" json:"age"`
City string `xml:"city" json:"city"`

app.Get("/json", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, &Person{
Name: "zhangsan",
Age: 20,
City: "Hangzhou",

Setting XML Responses

To set an XML response, we can use the ctx.XML function. This function takes two arguments: the HTTP status code and a struct to be serialized as XML. For example, the following code sets an XML response with a Person struct:

type Person struct {
Name string `xml:"name" json:"name"`
Age int `xml:"age" json:"age"`
City string `xml:"city" json:"city"`

app.Get("/xml", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
ctx.XML(http.StatusOK, &Person{
Name: "zhangsan",
Age: 20,
City: "Hangzhou",

Serving Files

To serve a file, we can use the ctx.File function. This function takes one argument: the path to the file to be served. For example, the following code serves the file:

app.Get("/file", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
err := ctx.File("./")
if err != nil {
ctx.Fail(-1, err.Error())