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In this article, we will explore how to use the redirect functionality in the Lightning framework.

Code Example

Let's start by looking at a code example that demonstrates how to use the redirect functionality in Lightning:

package main

import (


func main() {
app := lightning.NewApp()

app.Get("/foo", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
// Redirect to /baz with a 301 status code
ctx.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/baz")

app.Get("/bar", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
// Redirect to /baz with a 302 status code
ctx.Redirect(302, "/baz")

app.Get("/baz", func(ctx *lightning.Context) {
// Return a JSON response with a "message" key and "pong" value
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]string{
"message": "pong",


In this example, we create a new Lightning application and define three routes: /foo, /bar, and /baz. The /foo and /bar routes both redirect the user to the /baz route, but with different HTTP status codes. The /baz route returns a JSON response with a "message" key and "pong" value.

Using the Redirect Function

To use the redirect functionality in Lightning, we simply need to call the ctx.Redirect method. This method takes two arguments: the HTTP status code to use for the redirect, and the URL to redirect to.

In the example above, we use two different HTTP status codes for the redirects: http.StatusMovedPermanently (which corresponds to a 301 status code) and 302.